The Villages of Farragut, Tennessee, Farragut, TN

The Villages of Farragut, Tennessee

230 Village Commons Blvd
Farragut, TN 37934
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Phone: (865) 671-2500

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Senior News

2014-06-21 07:30 - LIVE UPDATES: Festivals in downtown Knoxville

Live updates from the Dragon Boat races, Gay Pride Parade, Big Kahuna Festival and Brewfest. [read more]

2014-01-22 17:18 - Ways you can help local homeless

Many people have contacted the News Sentinel after we ran the above photo on social media, asking us how they could help the homeless. We’ve compiled a list of a couple websites where... [read more]

2010-08-25 00:00 - Local authors: Knoxville politics inspires novel for former health care consultant

A political discussion about a former Knoxville mayor and county commissioners quickly turned into murder for William Morris. [read more]

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