Upjohn Community Nursing Home, Kalamazoo, MI

Upjohn Community Nursing Home

2400 Portage St
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
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Phone: (269) 381-4290

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Comments & Ratings

Comment on Upjohn Community Nursing Home - Kalamazoo, MI written by: Q S. 3 stars 07/24/2012 10:19PM I've been visiting different nursing homes for a couple of days now because we are looking for the best facility that will temporarily shelter our mom. As much as we want to keep her in our own home because we believe that she is more safe with us, her physician really insisted that she should stay in a place with medical practitioners and medical facilities. Her condition is really serious. So far, the Upjohn Community Nursing Home passed our standards. I will bring my aunts and siblings next week for scheduled ocular inspection. Let us see if it will maintain our interest.

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