The Wyndmoor of Evansville, LLC, Melody Hill, IN

The Wyndmoor of Evansville, LLC

6521 Greendale Dr
Melody Hill, IN 47711
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Phone: (812) 867-7900

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Senior News

2014-07-13 16:02 - LUCAS: Becoming a better composter

The things you can learn from the Sunday paper ... from an article last week, I now know why I’m no good at composting. [read more]

2014-07-13 04:00 - LARRY CAPLAN: Grubs in the lawn don't always require chemicals

Grubs, or grubworms, are the immature stages of several species of beetles, including Japanese beetles, June or May beetles, and masked chafers. [read more]

2014-07-13 04:00 - FOR THE BIRDS: Native wild black cherry tree

The native wild black cherry tree, now 50 feet tall, grows in our fence row, likely planted by birds that love its fruit. [read more]

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